Office of Vocations
Very Reverend Dominique Hanna, Rector
Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral, 113 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
phone (718) 624-7228 | fax (718) 624-8034 | email
Everyone has a vocation
A vocation is a calling, a unique path that God has designed just for you. It can manifest in various forms - as a priest, a religious sister, or even as a layperson. Every vocation is a gift and an opportunity to make a positive impact in the world. It's important to take a moment to listen to the whisper of your heart. That whisper might be calling you towards a vocation - a life of service, love, and purpose. We invite you to discover and nurture the vocation that God has placed within you no matter what His call is. God bless you all, and may your vocation journey be filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.
Reflections on the Priesthood
Please see our youtube channel for a series of brief reflections on what the Vocation of the Priesthood has meant to priests of the Eparchy.
Before an icon or before a meal
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.
O God, you desire that each of us
follow your invitation to holiness.
Stir up in the hearts of your people
the grace of a holy vocation.
Grant to us, through the prayer
of your Immaculate Mother, Mary,
and your foster father, Joseph,
the willingness and generosity to give
our time, talents, and our very lives
to the service of our Lord God and Savior,
Jesus Christ, and his Holy Church.
May men and women be inspired
to serve as faithful priests, brothers, sisters,
deacons, subdeacons,
holy married couples, parents and
generous single people.
May they share the truth and beauty
of our Catholic Faith,
so that all people
may know you better, love you more,
and serve you well.
O Lord our God to you be glory, now and forever. Amen.
(Recite the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory Be together)
Prayer before Meals:
Bless us O Lord, and these thy gifts,
which we are about to receive, from thy
bounty, through Christ Our Lord. Amen