Attached please find the Lenten message of our Patriarch. Wishing you all a blessed Lent.
Jubilee Year Dec 24, 2024 through Dec 28, 2025
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has called for a Jubilee Year December 24, 2024, through December 28, 2025. He has asked us to be "pilgrims of hope" during this year and to deepen our personal encounter with Christ. Therefore, with a whole-hearted affirmation, I have decided to embrace the Jubilee Year with the following Eparchial requests of clergy, religious and laity
Support the Eparchy of Saint Maron this Giving Tuesday!
Cir 24-107 Office Ordo 2024-2025
Cir. no. 24.100: Catholic Humanitarian Efforts
CIR 24-85 Eparchial Desk Calendar 2025
Attached you will find our 2025 Eparchial liturgical desk calendar. The Sunday and Holy Day observances, as well as the commemoration of Feast Days of the Saints, are faithfully taken from the official 2025 Maronite liturgical calendar prepared each year by the Patriarchal Liturgical Commission in Lebanon.
The Paris Olympic Opening Ceremonies 2024
Announcing the beatification of Patriarch Estephan El Douaihy of Ehden
Our Maronite Church is on the verge of announcing the beatification of Patriarch Estephan El Douaihy of Ehden, "a beacon of knowledge and holiness." He is a "beacon of knowledge" as evidenced by his writings in all fields: historical, theological, liturgical, and others. He is the greatest Maronite Patriarch, unparalleled and will remain so, with his scholarly personality: philosophical, theological, liturgical, and historical, and his sharp intelligence since his school years and beyond.
On this occasion, we invite you to encourage the members of your dioceses and parishes (parishes - brotherhoods - associations - organizations...) to participate in the celebration of the proclamation of the venerable Estephan El Douaihy as Blessed.
New Chancery Email Address
Please note that the official email of our chancery has been changed, effective immediately. The new email address is:
Please use this email for all chancery correspondence.
Saint Sharbel Spiritual Life Center Joyfully Dedicated
The Most Reverend Bishop Gregory J. Mansour presided at the joyful dedication of the Saint Sharbel Spiritual Life Center on April 13, 2024. He was joined by Bishop David A. Zubik of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh and more than 200 invited guests, including numerous clergy members, religious and lay visitors from near and far.
Circular # 24.01: Passing of Mr. Emile Khallouf, brother of Fr. Raymond Khallouf
Office Ordo 2023-2024. Cir. no. 23.58
Dear Brother Priests, Deacons and Subdeacons, Consecrated Men and Women.
Attached and below please find a message from Father Albert Constantine, Chancellor for the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon. We are grateful to Fr Michael Shami for his work on the Ordo of the Divine Office.
+ Gregory
Begin forwarded message:
From: Albert Constantine
Date: October 27, 2023 at 6:48:13 PM EDT
Subject: Office Ordo
Dear Monsignors and Fathers,
I pray you are all well.
With gratitude to Father Michael Shami, Director of the Office of Liturgy, please find attached the Office Ordo for the remainder of 2023 and 2024.
If you need more information, please let me know.
Thank you for all you do.
Fr. Albert Constantine
Day of Prayer and Fasting, Cir. 23.53
Circular #23.53
Dear Brother Priests, Deacons and Subdeacons, Consecrated Men and Women, Lay Faithful,
Please join me in a day of prayer and fasting for the good people in harm’s way in the Middle East.
Please forward the attached letter on your social media platforms, and may Our Lady of Peace intercede for us.
+ Gregory
We join Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, and all the Ordinaries of the Holy Land in calling for a day of fasting, abstinence, and prayer on October 17th. Read Cardinal Pizzaballa's statement at:
The Man of God is a Man for Others Cir.23.50
In recent years there has been a great deal of profound reflection on the spirituality of women, but less on the vocation and mission of men. Coupled with some worrisome trends in our culture to undermine masculinity under the guise of remedying past chauvinism or over-reliance on patriarchal structures, not to mention the absence of dads in far too many homes in our country and the need for inspiring male role models, many young men are growing up without effective guidance about how to be live out their male identity.
Caritas Lebanon Telethon Event on October 22, 2023
Lebanon has been suffering through economic hardships, government instability, and social unrest which has left many people having a hard time obtaining the most basic needs. Throughout these hard times, Caritas Lebanon has been at the forefront and worked diligently to provide those in need with critical assistance and support.
In order to raise awareness and continue their much-needed work, Caritas Lebanon will hold a fundraising Telethon Event on Sunday, October 22, 2023 from 10 AM to 11 PM Lebanese Time on MTV Lebanon.
Eparchial Desk Calendar 2024
Attached you will find our 2024 Eparchial liturgical desk calendar. The Sunday and Holy Day observances, as well as the commemoration of Feast Days of the Saints, are faithfully taken from the official 2024 Maronite liturgical calendar prepared each year by the Patriarchal Liturgical Commission in Lebanon which we received last week. We have included the Old Testament readings as presented by Bkerke.
Saint Sharbel Spiritual Life Center
The Maronite Church claims as one of her most beloved and well-known saints, and whom Pope Paul VI pointed to as a model for personal renewal, Saint Sharbel Makhlouf, a hermit priest and intercessor. The Eparchy of Saint Maron, comprised of 46 parishes and missions, a Seminary, Convent, and Monastery, would be even more well equipped for its God given mission if we had a Spiritual Life Center to help form our interior lives according to the great longing for holiness that Saint Sharbel exemplified. We now have that possibility in the sale of the Epiphany Center in Pittsburgh, adjacent to our parish, Our Lady of Victory.
Cardinal Beshara Boutros Rai's Tenth Encyclical -- The Blessed Martyrs: Brothers Massabki
2023 Annual Lenten Appeal for the Eparchy of Saint Maron.
The world needs our help! Please support this year’s Annual Lenten Appeal for the Eparchy of Saint Maron. There are so many challenges here and around the world (especially in Lebanon). This Lent we can offer our prayers, fasting and almsgiving for those suffering more than us. The Eparchy can be a part of your Lenten sacrifice, as we rely upon your generosity to serve the faithful throughout the Eparchy and in the Middle East.
Updated Eparchial MYO Handbook (version 2.0)
Protocol # 052-1-23, Circular #23.10
Dear Brother Priests, Deacons and Subdeacons, Consecrated Men and Women, Catechists, and Lay Faithful,
Please find attached the updated MYO Eparchial Handbook. Please use this as an excellent compilation of best practices and solid guidelines for our parishes and eparchial MYO.
I am grateful for Fr. Boutros El Hachem, Director, Deacon Christian Hbaiter, Assistant Director, and Sister Therese Maria, Past Director, as well as for the Team they have assembled and the MYO Advisors who have worked so hard to put this Handbook together. With gratitude, I remain,
+ Gregory