Cir 25-20 New Lenten Faith Formation Materials Available - Focusing on Giving, Fasting, and Prayer

Cir. 25-20

Dear Monsignors/Fathers, Deacons and Subdeacons, Consecrated Men and Women and Lay Faithful,

Please find below a message from Deacon Joe Chebli, our eparchial representative to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) 

+ Gregory

As the Season of Great Lent approaches, we offer new faith formation materials designed to enrich our community's journey of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. 

These resources can help us deepen our understanding and practice of these core Lenten disciplines.

This year, we highlight the 50th anniversary of CRS Rice Bowl. This provides a good opportunity for ourcommunity to engage in global solidarity and learn about the impact of our Lenten sacrifices.

The CRS Rice Bowl materials offer a unique way to connect with families from around the world who are working to break the cycle of poverty.   

These resources are available online for various age groups: Grades 1-8 and High School

 We encourage everyone to incorporate the CRS Rice Bowl program and other Lenten resources into services, classes, and community outreach.

 We pray that these materials will be a blessing to our community during this holy season. 

Sincerely in Christ,
Deacon Joe Chebli