Annual Lenten Appeal

Lent 2025 Protocol # 013 S / 25

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we enter Holy Lent, the season of penance and sacrifice, we remember that we are pilgrims of hope, and although we suffer with our Lord, we also know the joy of His Resurrection.

We can reflect His love to others by making a sacrificial gift. I hope you will consider once again the needs of the Eparchy of Saint Maron this Lent. There are so many people suffering here and around the world (especially in Lebanon, Syria and the Holy Land) who can be helped by our prayers, fasting and almsgiving. The Eparchy can be part of your Lenten sacrifice, as we rely upon your generosity to serve the faithful in the Eparchy and the Middle East.

Your gift to this year’s Annual Lenten Appeal will support:

We currently have three excellent men preparing for the priesthood. Our seminarians are our future; we need to educate them well so that they can minister effectively as priests someday. The costs of Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Seminary are about $450,000 per year. 40% of your contribution to this year’s Annual Appeal will go for Seminarians.
Our outreach to youth, young people, the elderly, families, and in defense of life from conception to natural death, helps people at the most crucial times in their lives. You can ensure that the Eparchy continues this important work. 20% of your contribution will go to support Ministries.
Retired Priests
The Eparchy’s 14 retired priests served the faithful well.  We help them with a modest pension each month.  20% of your contribution will support Retired Priests.
Help for Lebanon and the Middle East
The Eparchy has provided an unprecedented amount of support to help in Lebanon and the Middle East over the past few years. We can never forget the homeland of our Maronite Church. 10% of your contribution will support Christians in Lebanon and the Middle East.
The Eparchy’s Endowment Fund supports today’s needs and ensures the Eparchy will have resources in the future.  10% of your contribution will be deposited into the Eparchy’s Endowment.

Please open your heart once again and make a gift.  Your participation in this Appeal impacts the lives of many people, both inside the Eparchy, and in the Middle East.  Any gift will be appreciated.  Please visit for more information.

Thank you, and may God bless you for your generosity!  I wish you a blessed Lent and Easter.

Gratefully yours in Christ,

+ Gregory J. Mansour

PS:   Please also consider remembering the Eparchy and your parish in your estate plan, or as the beneficiary of an insurance policy, retirement plan or charitable gift annuity.  Thank you.