Dear Brother Priests, Deacons, Subdeacons, Consecrated Men and Women, and Lay Faithful:
World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life is coming up — Sunday February 2nd. Join us in praying for all the men and women religious who have generously and courageously given their lives in service of the Church including our own Maronite Monks of Adoration and Maronite Servants of Christ the Light.
In this Jubilee of Hope, the Maronite Servants of Christ the Light will be offering different opportunities for single young adult women (ages 18-39) to “Come and See” and pray with the Sisters. The Sisters would love to grow their mission and continue to serve the children, youth, young adults, elderly and families in our Eparchy.
The Sisters will be hosting two “Prayer and Supper” opportunities on February 23 & May 18; and two Come and See Retreat opportunities, June 6-8 and September 5-7. Please spread the word in your bulletins and announcements, and share this flyer with young women in your parishes. We appreciate your help to plant seeds of vocations to religious life with our children, youth, young adults and families.
If you have any questions about prayer resources, or you know a young women interested in learning more about the journey of discernment, contact Sister Therese Maria, Vocation Director at
Let us pray that young women in our parishes will be inspired by God and open to receiving this beautiful calling and the gift of consecrated life.
+ Gregory
Flyer Attached