The Healing of the Leper

February 26, 2023: Second Sunday of Great Lent (The Healing of the Leper)

O Christ our God, Physician of souls and bodies, in your plan of salvation, you had pity on the leper, who was outcast, and healed him by your word. We lift up our eyes and hearts to you at all times, and we implore you never to keep your mercy and grace from us but to look upon us with compassion as you did with the leper. Cleanse us and make us holy.

Now, O Lord, we ask you, with the fragrance of this incense, to stretch forth your hand and have compassion on us, for you have said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.”

With unfailing hope, we implore you to forgive our sins in your love and heal us in your grace.

Accept those who repent and bring back those who have gone astray. Console the grieving and strengthen the weak. Satisfy the hungry and provide for those in need. Bless those who are generous and enrich them with good deeds. Remember the departed who have gone to their rest hoping in you. We raise glory and thanks to you, to your Father, and to your Holy Spirit, for ever.


Sedro from the Divine Liturgy for The Second Sunday of Great Lent