Seventh Sunday of the Resurrection

May 21, 2023 (Seventh Sunday of the Resurrection)


Praise, glory and honor to the One who ascended to heaven,
but is always on earth in the mystery of his Church.

He seated himself at the right hand of the Father,
but remains close to us in the sacrament of his love.

To the Good One is due glory and honor this morning,
and all the days of our lives,
now and for ever.



O Christ,
you ascended to heaven in the sight of your disciples
who watched you in stupor and confusion,
as if you had not forewarned them of it.
Then they remembered your words
and came back to Jerusalem filled with them and joyously meditating on them.
Soon their faith in your ascension equaled their faith in your resurrection.
All your words came back to their minds;
concerning your marvelous ascension, your return to your Father
and your place at his right hand,
the fact that you went to prepare a place for them,
would send them your Holy Spirit,
and will rejoin them in an invisible manner.
Then their ardent desires burst towards the heavens where you dwell
and towards the earth where you are also.

O Christ may we have their faith in your ascension
and in the fact that you dwell with them.
Then we shall turn towards you with the desires of our hearts,
you who dwell on high at the right hand of the Father.
We shall worship you,
who are present in the mystery of your Church and the sacrament of your love.
We shall accomplish our work on earth,
carrying it out with the prospect of heaven before us,
until one day we shall rise like you
and ascend and enter the light of your eternal glory,
where we shall praise your Father and your Holy Spirit,
for ever.


From the Prayer of the Faithful, morning prayer Sixth Sunday of Resurrection

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