Sixth Sunday of Glorious Pentecost

July 2, 2023 (Sixth Sunday of Glorious Pentecost)

As Aaron Offered Incense

  1. As Aaron offered incense to please you,
    so now be pleased, Lord, with our sweet incense.
    And as you held back wrath from your people,
    keep from your Church, Lord, all that could harm her.

  2. When the apostles, filled with the Spirit,
    went through the whole world preaching the Good News,
    nations were brought back to their Creator.
    And now all peoples sing of God’s glory.

  3. Mary is honored here at this altar.
    and we rely on her intervention.
    May Christ, who took flesh from the pure Virgin,
    have mercy on us, the Church’s children.

Sheet music for this hymn be found at, hymn 207A and B. Melody at, 19 daHto lo neHte 1 and 20 daHto lo neHte 2.