The Transfiguration of Our Lord

August 6, 2023: The Transfiguration of Our Lord


May we be worthy to praise, confess and glorify the bright Light of the eternal Father Who made known to us the triune mystery of divinity. Today He reveals Himself on Mount Tabor and shows His disciples the glory that was His from the beginning. Let us worship and bless Him, one holy God, Father, Son and Spirit, now and forever.



O Christ Our God, You chose to raise our mortal nature and to make us companions of Your Spirit. In Your himulity You came to earth and taught our race the hidden mystery of Your divinity. With Your light, You led Your people from the slavery of Satan and death. You appeared to Moses in a bush that blazed with fiery brilliance, and there Your divinity was cloaked in mountain mist. Then, when You came to complete Your plan for us, You led Peter, James and John to Mount Tabor. You were cloaked in dazzling brilliance as You were transfigured before their eyes. The Father's voice thundered and split the sky, "This is My beloved Son, hear and know that in us there is no division." Moses and Elias then came to speak to You about the last days, judgement and the fulfillment to Your plan. But You cautioned the disciples not to reveal the vision until Your passion and death. In this way,m Your plan for mankind would be completed.

And now we petition You, O Lord; enlighten Your Church with Your great light. Set her foundations firm in the true faith and grant safety to Christians everywhere. Firgive our debets and grant happy memories to our dead. With them we will praise You, now and forever.


Incense Prayer for the Transfiguration of Our Lord, from Fenqitho, A Treasury of Feasts.