The Blessed Massabki Brothers

July 10, 2024: The Feast of the Blessed Massabki Brothers

O Christ our God, the martyrs endured great suffering and bitter persecution because of their love for you and their trust in your mercy. They won crowns of victory, making their relics sources of grace, healing, and blessings.

Today we honor the three Massabki Martyrs, known for their piety, goodness, and genuine concern for the poor and the needy, and we celebrate their feast with spiritual hymns and good deeds.

Now, O Lord, we ask you, through the prayers and intercession of your three beloved martyrs and with the fragrance of this incense, to strengthen us in our daily struggles, forgive our sins, and grant us your grace. Have mercy on those who have faith in you, and lead all peoples to you. May we walk on your path in the light of your Gospel, keeping your commandments and following in the footsteps of our holy martyrs, that we may receive their crown in your eternals dwellings. With them we raise glory, thanks, and adoration to you, to your Father, and to your Holy Spirit, for ever.


From the Prayer of Forgiveness of The Massabki Brothers Divine Liturgy.
