July 31, 2024: The Feast of the Three Hundred and Fifty Maronite Martyrs
The Greatness of Your Love, O Lord
Syriac: bo’ooto dmor ya’qoob (noohdeekee salam)
The greatness of your love, O Lord,
has given martyrs strength and hope
to follow you in pain and death.
They looked to you and cried aloud:
"Now let the blood we shed for you
adorn your crown, O Son of God!While on the road, not far from home,
the three hundred and fifty monks
were martyred for their steadfast faith.
These faithful sons defended truth
and gave their lives so willingly
for love of Christ, true God and man.You gave the Church true leaders, Lord,
and made them strong in faith and love
to teach the word of truth and light.
May they confirm us in the faith,
these stars of light that shine so bright
to guide us on the path of life.We sing to God the Trinity,
the Father, Son, and Spirit blest,
our hymns of praise, for evermore.