Nov 1, 2024: All Saints Day
As Maronites, we join the Latin church in celebrating All Saints Day on the first of November. Our traditional Maronite feast to honor all the saints is the Sunday of the Righteous and the Just. (The second Sunday before Cana Sunday, the entrance into great lent).
On this day we call to mind all the men and women, children of the Church, who have followed the path of righteousness. We remember the prophets, apostles and martyrs, the hermits, ascetics, men and women religious, as well as all Christians who have led holy lives.
As our liturgy so often reminds us, they are just in the sight of God because they have patterned their lives on Jesus Christ, the Just One.
The saints are our models; their prayers and fasting have taught us to fight against sin and temptation and so gain the reward of righteousness.
The saints are our intercessors; by their prayers we obtain the pardon of our sins and are strengthened in the Christian virtues.
They were the salt of the earth and the light of the world, they call us to follow their path. Through their intercession may we one day merit eternal life with God.
From the Synaxarion for the Sunday of the Righteous and the Just Ramsho (evening prayer),, Maronite Divine Office.