Exaltation of the Holy Cross

September 14: The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

O Christ our God,

you give life and bestow benefits,

you became human, lived among us and accomplished your saving plan by realizing the sayings of the prophets.

For our salvation, you were willing to be raised on the cross,

and the light of your joyous resurrection illuminated the whole world.

In paradise, the tree of life symbolized your cross,

and Moses showed the sign of the cross when he stretched out his arms for the salvation of the people.

The brazen serpent was the symbol of your cross for the life of whoever looked upon it was saved.

Your cross was stamped the the "Taw" written on the foreheads of the elect as spoken of by Ezechiel.

It is the cross which Isaac indicated by the wood of the sacrifice,

and the wood of Noah's ark, the vessel of salvation, was its image.

And now, we celebrate this spiritual feast with the whole Church

and its children scattered throughout the world,

as we proclaim:

Blessed are you, O Holy wood of the cross, symbol of power and honor;

Blessed are you, O cross of Christ, raised in our churches and at the head of our processions as a sign of victory.

Be for us, night and day, the attentive guardian who will not allow the evil one to conquer us.

Be the true comforter of those whom this base world has deprived of its vain joys.

Accompany those who travel, strengthen the sick, give hope to the broken hearted and joy to afflicted souls.

May your sign be printed in the hearts of believers.

May they live through you and carry you with zeal in all countries.

May they preach you and be clothed themselves with blessings by the pure blood shed on you.

O Christ,

may we who are with the sign of the victorious and faithful cross

remain faithful to that seal by which we have been marked.

May we be worthy to see your cross of light on the day of judgement

and to hear you say: "Come, blessed of my Father, take possession of the kingdom which is prepared for you."

We shall praise you, for ever and ever.


Sedro prayer from the Exaltation of the Cross, Maronite Prayer of the Faithful