Fourth Week of Great Lent, Sunday of the Parable of the Prodigal Son

March 20, 2022


The younger son dares to ask for his inheritance and leaves for a distant country, far away from his father. The world and its illusions seduce him and he wanders away from the right path.

The Father of heaven receives the repentant sinner with kindness he opens his arms to him and embraces him.

Happy the one who repents of his sins; blessed be the name of the merciful One who forgives sins.

Psalm of the readings

The true love of the father
far surpassed his son's great sin.
He ran out to embrace him
when at last his son came home.

"I have sinned against heaven
and before you" said the son.
"Though my heart now condemns me,
you are greater than my heart."

Lord our God, you accepted
what the just had offered you;
now accept, in your mercy,
our pure sacrifice and prayers.

Qolo from the Prayer of the Faithful, Safro for Sunday of the Prodigal Son.

Psalm of the readings from the Maronite Divine Liturgy, The Parable of the Prodigal Son