Mother's Day and Our Lady of Fatima

May 8, 2022 (Mother’s Day); May 13, 2022 (Our Lady of Fatima)

As we honor the Blessed ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, we ask that she intercede for us with her Son, the fruit of her womb, and we pray:

O Lord, through the prayers of your Mother, keep away from the earth and its people the devastation of wrath, and all dangers, dissension, war, famine, and epidemics. Have compassion on us, heal the sick, help the poor, save the oppressed, grant rest to the faithful departed who have left us and gone to you, and make us worthy of a safe and peaceful death, that we may raise glory to you, to your Father, and to your Holy Spirit, for ever.


From the Prayer of Forgiveness (Commemoration of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God), Maronite Divine Liturgy