The Birth of John the Baptizer

Dec. 4, 2022: The Birth of John the Baptizer

The church does not usually celebrate the earthly birthdays of the saints, but rather their birthdays in heaven, namely the day of their deaths when they obtain their crown of glory. However, in the case of John the Baptist, we celebrate his earthly birth — his coming into the world to announce the Son.

John’s coming was filled with marvels. The angel announced his birth. Because of his doubt Zechariah was struck dumb. John leaped with joy in the womb of his mother when visited by the Virgin. He was sanctified at that time by the Holy Spirit. As soon as John was born, Zechariah was able to speak and sing the beautiful song of “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,” a hymn the Church continues to sing even today.

The angel predicted that many would rejoice at John’s birth and that he would be great in the sight of God, and holy, ascetic, and just before the people. He will bring many back to God. He will be the Forerunner of the Savior and return the hearts of parents to their children, and the unbelievers to the wisdom of the just. He will prepare for God a holy people.

The words of Jeremiah the prophet are applied to him:

“Before, I found you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you a prophet to the nations. I appointed you… Say not I am too young. To whomever I send you, you shall go. Whatever I command you, you shall speak. Have no fear before them because I am with you to deliver you. See, I place my words in your mouth. I set you over nations and over kingdoms to root up and to tear down, to destroy and to demolish, to build and to plant . . . They will fight against you, but not prevail over you, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.”

(Jeremiah 1: 3, 7, 10, 19).

The prophet Malachi says, “I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me” (Mk 1, 2; Lk 7, 27). This messenger is John the Baptist. He ended the law and the prophets and was praised by the Lord himself.

Some months before the Lord began his preaching ministry, John came out of his solitude and appeared near the Jordan river, as the Forerunner of the Lord predicted by the prophets. He impressed the crowrds by his poverty, austerity of life, severity of preaching and the practicality of his exhortations. His ministry was quite successful. Many people came to him to receive his baptism and confess their faults as he announced the imminence of the messianic kingdom. He was so humble that he declared himself unworthy to untie the sandals of the Lord, “I have baptized you in water; he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit” (Mark 1: 8). He will separate the sinners from the just.

When Jesus came to be baptized, John wanted to withdraw, saying that it was he who should be baptized by the Lord, but Jesus insisted. John said, “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,” and told his disciples to follow Jesus. When the disciples complained that Jesus was becoming more and more popular, John said, “He must increase and I must decrease.” He reproached Herod for his scandalous conduct and was put in jail. In prison he sent his disciples to Jesus. He wanted them to follow him and to let Jesus declare himself as the Savior predicted by Isaiah. John was praised as superior to all the faithful of the Old Testament.


Synaxarion for the Birth of John the Baptizer evening prayer (Ramsho), Maronite Divine Office.