The Glorious Resurrection

April 9, 2023

Who can praise the greatness of your mercy, O Word of God,
and what voice can bless you who are above all praise?
Neither mind or tongue can describe the marvels you have performed
on this holy day of your resurrection from the dead.

With the psalmist David, we exclaim:

“This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice!”
This is the day which has no equal.
This is the great feast, crown and jewel of all feasts.

And now, Christ our God, on this day of your resurrection from the dead,
we ask you to grant us the forgiveness of our sins and faults.
Through the fragrance of this incense, which we offer you,
grant justice to the oppressed and comfort to the afflicted.
Bring back those far away, direct those who are near, and guide those who travel.
Protect the priests, purify the deacons, and pardon the sinners;
watch over the just, protect the orphans, and help the widows.
Remember those who have died in the faith and grant them rest in your heavenly kingdom;
may we celebrate with them the feast that never ends,
and proclaim your glory, and that of your Father, and your holy and living Spirit,
now and for ever.


From the Prayer of the Faithful, Ramsho, Resurrection of the Lord.