Saint Joseph

March 19, 2023: The Feast of Saint Joseph


Make us worthy, O Lord, to stand before You with pure hearts and to believe in Your birth from a virgin as Joseph, Your chosen one, believed after You revealed Your mystery to him. As You appointed the angel in the garden of Eden to guard the tree of life, so have You chosen Joseph and appointed him guardian of Your virgin mother in whom You dwelt. Grant us, O Lord, to taste the cherished fruit of Your tree, so that we may glorify You, Your Holy Father and Your blessed Spirit, now and forever.



  1. Righteous Joseph has become the father of the family, Belold, the mother of the family is a spotless virgin! The words of Isaiah are accomplished — God is with us.

  2. Blessed Joseph is seized with wonder. How amazing are the ways of God! Mary, his spouse, is virgin and mother God is with us.

  3. And pure Mary, what can she say? The power of God rests upon her, and she is amazed. She is virgin and mother — God is with us.

  4. O blessed Joseph, how can we respond? Amazement robs us of our words. Teach us your love for God and show us His mystery — God is with us.

From the liturgy of the word for Saint Joseph in: Fenqitho, A treasury of feasts according to the Syriac-Maronite church of Antioch.