The Healing of the Blind Man

March 26, 2023: Sixth Sunday of Great Lent (The Healing of the Blind Man)

By the Road, As Christ Walked Along
Syriac: ehnono noohro shareero

  1. By the road, as Christ walked along,
    sat a man who could not see.
    Bartimaeus began to shout:
    ”Son of David, pity me!
    I believe you are the Lord,
    who can give light to my eyes.
    Since you let me hear your voice,
    let me also see your face.
    Give me light that I may see.”

  2. CHrist the Light, you are glorified,
    O Eternal Light from Light.
    You enlightened a darkened world
    with the brightness of your face.
    Light came to those who were blind
    when you came to live on earth.
    You brought healing to the sick
    who cried out to you in faith.
    To your Father we give praise.


Maronite hymn