Divine Liturgy for the Consecration of the Chrism and Holy Oils

March 28, 2023


Almighty Lord, you welcome those who repent,
now, in your compassion, welcome us,
and in your grace, pardon our faults. In your abundant mercy, wash away our sins
so that we may raise glory and thanks to you,
now and for ever.
O Lord God, may we be worthy,
to stand before your awesome and divine splendor
with purity and holiness,
and to receive the gifts
of your living and Holy Spirit from you. You are indeed holy,
with your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
and your Holy Spirit,
now and for ever.
The Bishop invokes the Holy Spirit, saying:
O Lord, we stand before you
with all the prophets and Apostles,
and we adore you.
In your mercy, perfect us in our faith.
Let your living and Holy Spirit
come and consecrate this oil.
Fill it with your might and let your divinity abide in it.

The Bishop touches the vessel of oil and continues

May those who believe and
are signed and anointed with this oil,
become holy and pure.
Once they are perfected in baptism,
call them to stand at your right hand,
shining in the glory of your kingdom,
and they will raise glory to the most exalted Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for ever.
O holy and glorious Lord,
you anointed prophets and priests,
now, may your power descend
from your heavenly heights
and dwell in this oil.
May it become a sanctifying mark +,
a purifying hyssop +,
and a pledge of holiness +,
for the bodies of the faithful.
May those who are anointed with it
be numbered among the your children.
May your flock, made worthy by your life-giving gift,
be enriched by it,
so that they may raise glory and thanks
to you, to your only Son, and to your living and Holy Spirit,
now and for ever.
O Lord, in your merciful love,
you descended toward mortals
and visited their lowliness.
Now, let your blessings, full of life,
come down upon this holy oil,
that it may be a tower of protection for their souls +,
a seal for their spirits +,
and life for their bodies +.
May it be a strong armor of protection for them,
free of error and sin. Through it, may they be ready for holy baptism,
and then they will raise glory
to the most exalted Trinity,
now and for ever.

Click here for the full text of the Consecration of the Oils Divine Liturgy