Hosanna Week

March 27, 2023: The start of Hosanna Week

O Christ, our King and Redeemer, you prepared your disciples and sent two of them to bring you a donkey colt. You rode it through the streets of Jerusalem among the crowds and the children, who were shouting to you: “Hosanna!” We, too, prepare ourselves to meet you, for we believe that you are truly the Son of God.

Now, O Lord, we ask you, with the fragrance of this incense, to make us worthy to joyfully celebrate, shouting out: “Hosanna to the Son of David, who dawned from the holy Virgin Mary, the Daughter of David! Blessed be our King who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed be your coming to us! Blessed be the Father who sent you!”

Exalt your Church and fill her with the abundance of your riches, spare her from difficulties and deliver her from all evil. Favorably remember those who have gone to their rest, hoping in you in the true faith. We glorify and thank you, your Father, and your Holy Spirit, now and for ever.


Incense prayer from the Maronite Divine Liturgy for the Third Weekday Cycle of Lent (Hosanna Week)