Blessed are you, Christ Jesus, our God, Lord and Master. It pleased you to assume our human nature in order to sanctify it and to lift it up to yourself. You willed to go up to the Temple with Joseph and your Mother in order to fulfill the law which you established through your prophets.
On this day when we recall your finding in the Temple in the midst of the teachers, teach us to devote our whole selves to God, for our lives make no sense without the Master and Creator.
We ask you now to enlighten our minds that we may understand your love for us, which is the foundation of all your holy commandments, and help us to follow your divine counsels. Watch over the leaders of your holy Church, O Lord, that we may benefit from their apostolic teaching; and keep far from your Church false teachings and destructive dostrines. Let your gospel be a light to guide us to the safe harbor.
Lord, strengthen our wills to act only for you, enlighten our minds to think only of you, give our hearts the true joy of pleasing you and doing your will. May our goal be the accomplishment of your works, those of your Father and of your living Spirit, and we will glorify you all the days of our lives, and give you praise and thanksgiving, now and for ever.
From the Ramsho (Evening Prayer), Divine Office for The Finding of the Lord in the Temple