Glory to you, Son of God, you have made us rejoice in your manifestation as man, you have filled us with admiration by your wonders, words and deeds. Through your incarnation, you have elevated our nature, and sanctified it by your baptism. You received the witness of Father:
“ This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”
You did not distain the testimony of John, your Forerunner,
“Here is the Lamb of God who carries the sinse of the world.”
It is you whom Moses foreshadowed by the pascal lamb, whose blood was sprinkled on the doorposts. Today your light appears at the Jordan and baptism is made holy for us. We have victory over the enemy and triumph over sin.
Therefore, we ask you through your baptism in the Jordan: enlighten us with your inspiration; strengthen our decisions by your grace, that we may become temples where each day we offer you sacrifice and give you praise.
To you be glory, now and for ever.
Sedro, Maronite evening prayer for the Divine Office on the feast of the Epiphany.