Consecration of the Church

Sunday, Nov, 5, 2023: Consecration of the Church

Blessed are you, O Christ,
you have built the holy Church, the spiritual Jerusalem,
and have gathered within her the scattered ones of Israel.
You have promised to be with her until the end of the world.
You have confirmed her in sanctity
and made her foundations firm in the faith,
binding her stones with love.
The gates of hell will not prevail against her.
In times past the prophets announced her establishment;
the apostles proclaimed her salvation;
and for her, the martyrs suffered death.

Today, we celebrate the consecration of the Church,
singing out in inspired hymns:

Rise up, and be adorned with light, O holy Church,
because the wise Architect has placed your foundations
on his rock and has reinforced your gates by his right hand.

Rise up and be adorned with light,
because the Savior of the world has gathered all your children within your walls.
the mighty One has chosen you for his dwelling place.

Rise up and be adorned with light,
because the holy Lord has poured his holiness upon you
and has chosen saints from among your children.

Rise up and be adorned with light,
because the powerful Lord has exalted you
and made you victorious over your enemies.

Lord, we now ask you,
with the rising fragrance of this incense
to remember, in your loving kindness, the Church you have built.
In your love, save the inheritance you have received,
guard your flock from all evil,
and give rest in your kingdom to those who have departed.
Bring us one day into your heavenly glory,
that we may praise and glorify you for ever.



Sedro of the Consecration of the Church Sunday evening prayer (Ramsho), Maronite Divine Office.