October 29, 2023: Sunday of Christ the King

Jesus Christ, Lord of All the World

Syriac melody: ehnono noohro shareero

  1. Jesus Christ, Lord of all the world,
    great and mighty is your cross.
    You defeated the Evil One
    and have conquered sin and death.
    We exalt your living cross,
    raised on high triumphantly.
    Nations of the earth cry out:
    ”Holy, holy, holy Lord!
    By your cross we have been saved.”

  2. As a wall keeps a city safe,
    so the cross protects the Church.
    As a king governs in his land,
    Christ the King rules all the world.
    Lord, do not forsake your Church,
    for you shed your blood for her.
    Hear her, children who proclaim:
    ”We profess our faith in you;
    guard us with your holy cross.”

  3. Christ our Lord, truly God from God,
    by your cross the Church is saved.
    Since you chose her to be your bride,
    she lives faithfully for you.
    On the altars of the CHurch
    you give us your flesh and blood.
    Now protect her, as you said,
    from the fearful gates of hell,
    for your cross abides in her.