Hosanna Sunday

April 10, 2022

“Your King shall come to you, humble and riding on a donkey!”

David, rejoice, Zechariah, cry out with joy; exult, Moses and all prophets! The One whom you predicted has come and your prophecies of a Messiah have been fulfilled.

Behold, the King of Sion rides a donkey and enters the city amid the songs of praise of little children and suckling babes. Everyone cries out:

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel.”

Waving olive branches, they praise the King of Israel. Today, the Church gathers her children from all peoples and nations; in the churches and convents they chant hymns of praise. In procession small and great alike go forth, singing in every language.

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,”

Christ the King.

Today, O Christ our King, the Church addresses her prayers to you. May her pastors be good leaders, that the faithful may be kept in the true faith, and missionaries be assisted with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Grant perfection to religious men and women. May the departed enter your heavenly dwelling, so that the Church and the entire universe may praise and glorify you, for ever.


From the Prayer of the Faithful Morning Prayer for Hosanna Sunday.