Saint Simeon the Stylite

September 1, 2022: Saint Simeon the Stylite

O God, when You created the universe, You placed the sun, moon and stars in the heavens to mark the passage of time. In wonder and amazement, we look upon those lofty lights in the sky, and our thoughts turn to You. You chose young Simeon to build a dwelling high above earth, for he was an astonishing sight that turned our eyes and hearts from earth to the place of Your glory.

When Simeon set to work on his pillar, he dug deep foundations; for the deeper the foundations, the higher the building will rise. Simeon’s foundation was prayer, austerity and constant penance. Unbelievers were converted by his preaching. A monastery and city grew up around his pillar. What was once a desert wasteland became a sanctuary of prayer and devotion for multitudes. He healed the sick, reconciled the angry, brought peace to the troubled and demanded justice for the poor and imprisoned. When he was censured for his extravagant way of life, he pointed to the praying crowds below and said “God has put to use even my foolish extravagance.”

Now, O Lord, let the light of St. Simeon rouse Your Church to prayer, fasting and good works. Let our amazement at his way of life remind us of Your amazing and wonderful deeds. Make Your Church that city set high on a mountain to enlighten and guide all who seek You. And we will glorify You, now and forever.


Sedro from the Feast of Saint Simeon, the Younger, Fenquitho.

Image of the Monastery of Saint Simeon Stylites the Younger.
Credit: Maarten Sepp - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,